Welcome to Dream India Women’s charitable trust

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Project Swatantra- Freedom

Is an attempt to make rural Persons with Disabilities and their caretakers, acid attack victims, transgenders, underprivileged and single women self-sufficient and economically independent by giving them relevant employable skills, in partnership with local resource training centers.

The main aim of this program is to provide them with employable skills and enhance the quality of their lives, through life skills programs, workshops on disability laws, and by enhancing their marketing and financial knowledge. It is disability & region- specific skill-based training which will lead to livelihood opportunities for People with Disabilities and their Caretakers.


The Government of India launched the Skills Development Initiative (SDI) scheme in 2008, with the aim to train 1 million persons on demand-driven vocational skills over the next 5 years and 1 million each year after that to support skills training, certification and upgradation in the unorganized sector. Under this initiative, the MOLE/DGET undertook the development and implementation of a strategic training framework known as Modular Employable Skills (MES) to cater to school drop outs and existing workers, especially focused on the informal economy.

MES was developed in close consultation with industry and micro enterprises in the unorganized sector, state governments, experts and academia. It offers flexibility in the provision of vocational training to those who have limited education and cannot afford to be away from employment for long periods of time. It also provide s testing and certification of existing skills of a person as t he SDI scheme provides a mechanism of third party assessment of trainees under the MES framework through DGET empanelled Assessment Bodies leading to NCVT certification that has national recognition in India.

The SDI -MES scheme also has the objective of building capacity in the area of development of competency standards, course curricula, learning material and assessment standards in the country.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra

Vocational training needs to be made aspirational to transform India into the skill capital of the world. In line with the same, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship ( MSDE ) intends to establish visible and aspirational Model Training Centres ( MTCs ) in every district of the country. Jeyram Education Trust is the implementation agency for the project.

Our training center’s envisage to:

  • Create benchmark that demonstrate aspirational value for competency-based skill development training.
  • Focus on elements of quality, sustainability and Connection with stakeholders in skills delivery process.
  • Transform from a Mandate-driven footloose model to a sustainable institutional model.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning is a skill certification component to enable a large number of Indian youth to take on industry-relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the scheme. RPL focuses mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of PMKVY (www. pmkvyofficial.org). All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for amendments/changes if any introduction Recognition of Prior Learning is a skill certification component to enable a large number of Indian youth to take on industry-relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the scheme. RPL focuses mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of PMKVY (www. pmkvyofficial.org). All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for amendments/changes if any.

Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation

Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation was registered as a non-profit, Section 25 Company under Companies Act in the year 2013 to address the skill gap requirement and to expand the ambit of its functions. Initially, it was formed as Tamil Nadu Skill Development Mission in 2009 and later converted as Society followed by incorporation as a Company under the Companies Act.

The components of the DAY-NULM are:

  • Social Mobilization and Institution Development (SM&ID).
  • Capacity Building and Training (CB&T).
  • Employment through Skill Training and Placement (EST&P).
  • Self Employment Programme (SEP).
  • Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUH).
  • Scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUSV), and an exclusive component, Innovation & Special Projects (I&SP).am

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