Welcome to Dream India Women’s charitable trust

12 A / 80 G/Applicable

  • To promote the welfare of the small farmers as and other poor persons through Agriculture and allied operating especially the Adi -Dravida peoples.
  • To start, run and maintain schools or other institutions or colleges to impart Central Education, in Arts Science, Technical Education, Medical Education, Engineer Education etc.,
  • To Provide financial assistance to persons, Trust, Organization who are running such institutions.
  • To establish, take over or aid existing Educational Institution which will give predominance to discipline and good behavior while catering to their vocational and professional education.
  • To provide relief to people suffering from disease, famine, epidemics, earth-quakes or floods without any reference to caste, creed or Religion of the affected persons.
  • To impart Technical Education to Ladies and also to Guide them to set-up their livelihood
  • To provide for and maintain any Hospital, Nursing Home. Public Health Centre, wherein relief from pain and suffering are accorded to all persons without discrimination without regard to their caste, creed or Religion.
  • To Provide assistance to indigent persons for their undertaking marriage of eligible couples related to them, by way of provision of cash, articles, clothes and jewels to the said couple; This shall be without reference to Religion, caste or community of the persons undertaking the said marriage.
  • To Provide assistance to the mentally retarded, handicapped and the aged and uncared for persons, irrespective of their caste, creed or Religion, either directly, or by providing assistance to the already established institutions undertaking such functions or by establishing new.