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Aids Awareness Programme

India's AIDS Control Programme is globally acclaimed as a success story. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), launched in 1992, is being implemented as a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India.

Increased awareness of safe practices to prevent HIV infection results in people being more careful and ultimately decreases infection rates.HIV/AIDS Awareness programmes help people become aware of the levels of care and treatment, whether they are living with HIV or caring for someone with this disease.

In 1992, the Government of India demonstrated its commitment to combat the disease with the launch of the first National AIDS Control Programme (NACP-I) as a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India.

Blood Donation Camp

The purpose of blood donation camp is to select a suitable donor whose blood is safe to the recipients and who himself shall not in any way be harmed by blood donation. Outdoor voluntary blood donation camps in India are organized in three phases. They are pre-camp phase, camp phase, post-camp phase.

There are two main procedures that are used to draw blood from a donor. The first and the most common method is when whole blood is drawn from the donor and is collected in a plastic bag that contains anticoagulants and preservatives such as sodium citrate, phosphate, dextrose or adenine.

Health Benefits Of Donating Blood

  • Prevents Hemochromatosis. Health benefits of blood donation include reduced risk of hemochromatosis
  • Anti-cancer Benefits. Blood donation helps in lowering the risk of cancer
  • Maintains Healthy Heart & Liver
  • Weight loss
  • Stimulates Blood Cell Production.

Child Mal Nutrition Awareness Programme

It is important that malnutrition is diagnosed in a timely manner. When a hospital patient becomes malnourished their medical treatment and recovery are affected. Research shows that malnutrition increases the risk of death, length of stay and health care costs

The best way to prevent malnutrition is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. You need to eat a variety of foods from the main food groups, including: plenty of fruit and vegetables. plenty of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta.

Health and physical consequences of prolonged states of malnourishment among children are: delay in their physical growth and motor development; lower intellectual quotient (IQ), greater behavioural problems and deficient social skills; susceptibility to contracting diseases

Family food insecurity. Inadequate care of vulnerable household members (e.g. 'unfair' sharing of food within families) Unhygienic living conditions (e.g. poor water supplies and poor sanitation) Inadequate health services.

Free Eye Camp Programmes

Eye camp is the most effective way of providing eye care service to a large number of people in a short time. We identify a large number of cataract patients through these eye camps. It is completely free for patients.

Arrange boarding and lodging for the medical team if the location is beyond 125km from the base hospital. Arrange local transport facility for patients between the villages and the site of the camp, if the camp venue is not accessible within a radius of 5 to 10 Kms.

District Blindness Control Society. Goal:- “To achieve maximum reduction in avoidable blindness through optimal utilization of available resources ”. The Programme includes: – Comprehensive Eye Care. – School Eye Screening.

Optometrists can examine your eyes, test your vision, prescribe glasses or contacts, and diagnose and treat many eye disorders and diseases. They are not medical doctors or surgeons but can prescribe certain eye-related

Free Health Check Up Camp

Free medical Camp can be considered as a life-saving program that aims to provide free medical and surgical services to poor communities living in rural or urban areas by a mobile team with varieties of medical specialized services.

Make sure you carry a lot of medicine samples to be distributed free among the patients. IT would be a wise decision to set up the camp with the association of an NGO or some local government body or politicians or businessmen or all of these to bear some percentage of expenses for the procedures you would carry out.

Objective of Health camps is to screen the patients in each and every village of the taluka at their door step covering the whole state, give health related awareness, distribute medicines to treat common diseases and refer, as the case may be for surgery/treatment

Health check-ups are designed not only to detect medical issues, but also to identify risk factors and illnesses before they start to cause problems. Health check-ups aim to not only help the person to prevent illnesses and its complications but also to make changes in the lifestyle for long-term healthy

Free Tree Plantation

Tree plantation means planting trees in large numbers throughout the country. Trees help us by providing us with food, oxygen, and fuel. There would be no oxygen if there were no trees, and life would stop. Tree damage means loss of life.

Tree plantation is one of the effective remedial measures to control the air pollution and noise pollution. It also causes aesthetics improvement of the area as well as sustains and supports the biosphere.

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and control climate, among other things.

Global Warming Awareness

Global Warming Awareness is a movement that aims to stop global warming: its participants are aware of the social, political and economic consequences that climate change may have on huge parts of the

Global Warming is important since it helps determine future climate expectations. Through the use of latitude, one can determine the likelihood of snow and hail reaching the surface. You can also be able to identify the thermal energy from the sun that is

Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also cause a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land, a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and floods, and threats to biodiversity

Helmet Awareness Programme

The number of vehicles on road is increasing day by day. Among these, majority of the users preferred motorcycles to avoid heavy traffics. The fact is, motorcycles contribute more percent death rate due to head injuries. Therefore usage of helmet is vital to prevent head injuries. This is a baseline study to understand the level of public awareness in Thiruvallur regarding the usage of helmets.

The study was conducted among 291 motorbike riders in and around Thiruvallur. Among these 167 were males and 124 were females. 52.92% riders believe that wearing helmet is their responsibility and rest of them wear only because of Government guidelines.

Majority of young riders responded that the hair style issues are the major reason for not wearing helmet. Hence the youth should believe that it is safe to protect head rather than protecting the hairstyles. Government should provide awareness programs in schools and colleges especially for young generations.

Legal Awareness Programme for women

The awareness programme is implemented through Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and reputed institutions and aims to empower women and girls with the knowledge of their legal rights and duties, ultimately to be able to share power equally, gain full access to the means of development and to inspire a whole

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been administering various special laws relating to women such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986; the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Legal awareness, sometimes called public legal education or legal literacy, is the empowerment of individuals regarding issues involving the law. Legal awareness helps to promote consciousness of legal culture, participation in the formation of laws and the rule of law.

Online Digital Service

An online service refers to any information and services provided over the Internet. These services not only allow subscribers to communicate with each other, but they also provide unlimited access to information. Online services can range from simple to complex

An online service provider can for example be an internet service provider, email provider, news provider, entertainment provider, search, e-shopping site, e-finance or e-banking site, e-health site, e-government site, Wikipedia, Usenet.

An online service provider is an entity that offers a service via the Internet. This varies from the historical definition, which encompassed commercial communication service providers that connected users to the Internet while offering them personalized

Road Safety Awareness Programme

It is necessary for everyone to be aware of traffic signs and road rules. Traffic signs can give you important information that can ensure your safety and the safety of those around you and awareness of road rules can lower chances of accidents.

Road safety is of prime importance as road accidents are among the biggest causes of deaths in the country. With the number of vehicles on our roads increasing with every passing hour, it's of vital importance for everyone to have traffic awareness and understand and respect all the road safety rules in India

4 E's Road Safety :- The main thrust of accident prevention and control across the world has been on 4 E's vis (i) Education; (ii) Enforcement; (iii) Engineering; and (iv) Environment and Emergency care of road accident victims

Equality in speed, direction, and mass at medium and high speeds. Road environment and road user behaviour that support road user expectations through consistency and continuity in road design. Injury limitation through a forgiving road environment and anticipation of road user behaviour.

Women Entrepreneurs Training

Women entrepreneurs may be defined as a woman or a group of women who initiate, organise and run a business concern. Schumpeter – “Women entrepreneurs are those women who innovate, initiate or adopt a business activity”.

Women entrepreneurs play a significant role in producing jobs, wealth, poverty reduction, human development, education, health and nation's development especially in developing countries.

Women today are the proud owners of giant business chains which they are managing extremely well moving abreast with their male counterparts and, undoubtedly outshining them. Women entrepreneurs make significant contributions to economic growth and to poverty reduction around the world.
